Tuesdays - Parent & Tot Chat and play on pause FOR NOW | WEDNESDAY, jANUARY 22 IS CLUB CAR WEIGH-IN / REGISTRATION

black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Langham Evangelical Bible Church

10:30 am Sunday Worship Service

Growing believers in Christ | Impacting souls for Christ

phone: 306.283.4321

email: langhambiblechurch@gmail.com

9:30 am Adult Sunday School class

office hours

Monday - Friday generally 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

tithes & offerings (e-Transfer)


47 Fifth Avenue, Langham, SK



Family Pastor | MATTHEW OLIVER


Administration | MARILYN FRIESEN


about us

The Langham Bible Church cemetery is located at the original church site, south of Langham.


Langham Evangelical Bible Church was established in 1911 under the ministry of Jacob R. Doerksen. It was known in German as "Sud Bruderthal Bethaus" and later, the Langham Evangelical Mennonite Brethren Church. In the 1970's the name was changed to it's present form.

The first church building was located south of Langham and later moved to main street Langham. In 1992 a new building was constructed on 5th Avenue, Langham.

We are a member of the Fellowship of Evangelical Bible Churches.

FEBC Website


Our Mission

To glorify GOD by impacting people through Christ's love, biblical teaching, discipleship and action

doctrinal beliefs